How to calculate the maximum current of photovoltaic lines

Published on 2 July 2024 at 16:02

The maximum current value is:

Number of parallel modules (or module strings) × module (or module string) short-circuit current Isc × 1.25

Continuous current is: maximum current × 1.25

For example, if 10 modules form a string, and the rated short-circuit current of each module is 9A, the maximum current of the entire photovoltaic string will be 9A × 1.25 = 11.25A. In order to determine the current carrying capacity requirements of the wires connected to this photovoltaic string, multiply the maximum current by 1.25 to obtain 11.25A × 1.25 = 14.0625A






例如,10块组件为一串的组串,每块组件额定短路电流为9A,整个光伏串的最大电流将是 9A×1.25=11.25A。为了确定连接在这个光伏串上的导线载流量要求,将最大电流乘以1.25,得到11.25A×1.25=14.0625A

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